lunedì 19 novembre 2018

What does the crocodile say?-Book Island and Thierry Magnier.

The alarm clock goes dringg dringg, mam's tickle goes hee hee, water goes sssplash, the car goes vroom vroom...

So starts little crocodile's  morning on the first day of nursery school.

But when the teacher elephant say says "peekaboo", Little Crocodile starts having a second thoughts and has something very loud to say...

These are some of the spreads of my last book published in UK with the title: "What does the crocodile say?",  by Book Island and the title: "Tintamarre et gazouillis, une journée tout en bruits", by Thierry Magnier in France.

Below are some roughs from the work in progress of the book:

The book is going to be published in Brazil soon.
For foreing rights inquiry please contact Debbie Bibo Agency!