mercoledì 15 aprile 2015

Selezione per immagini della Fantasia 33, sezione tematica

Ecco un aggiornamento sul workshop Filastrocche saporite per immagini imbandite! 
che si terrà a Sarmede dal 22 al 27 Giugno 2015

Le illustrazioni realizzate durante il corso saranno selezionate per comporre la sezione della Mostra Le immagini della fantasia 33 riservata agli allievi della Scuola Internazionale di Illustrazione.

L’obiettivo è permettere ai bambini di incontrare l’argomento CIBO nell’ambito della letteratura per l’infanzia e cioé sul ritmo di filastrocche dai sapori variegati e con gli occhi su immagini che sappiano raccontare ancora di più con forme e colori.
Sarà data precedenza alle immagini che sapranno dare spazio a tale immaginario. I sogni e i desideri che i cibi suscitano, tavole su cui il cibo è imbandito e condiviso, scene di preparazione, degustazione, gioco, finzione, nonsense... divertimento e nutrimento!

In mostra i visitatori troveranno i testi su appositi pannelli, accanto alle illustrazioni.
Le illustrazioni dovranno essere pensate per un unico formato di cornice: 40x60 cm cioè un formato verticale (unica illustrazione oppure due di formato minore).

Il termine massimo per la consegna delle illustrazioni sarà la fine di luglio.

Salt in your loaf. Delectable rhymes for sumptuous pictures
Lets look for new visual recipes together! Course for using pictures
to recount the dreams and desires conjured up by food, lavish tables,
scenes of preparation, tasting, games and make-believe. Lots of drawing
to learn how to organise ideas and pictures. We will experiment with
mixed media to find our own style.Selected work will feature at the 33rd
edition of Le immagini della fantasia in the section dedicated to the School.

The students taking part in the 2015 advanced summer courses of Eva
Montanari, in fact will also be able to take part in the section of the
exhibition entitled Tales from the World. Those selected will display
an illustration at the 33rd edition of Le immagini della fantasia in
Sarmede (25th October 2015 to 17th January 2016), which will be
presented in other centres in Italy and abroad.

Per chi desiderasse avere già un'idea dei testi proposti può scrivermi
( per ricevere una piccola antologia di filastrocche.

Teresa, Teresina

Teresa, Teresina,
fammi cuocere una gallina;
la gallina è troppo cotta,
fammi cuocere una pagnotta;
la pagnotta non è buona,
fammi cuocere la padrona,
la padrona non è contenta,
fammi cuocere la polenta;
la polenta se n'è andata,
fammi cuocere una frittata.
Anche l'uovo se n'è scappato:
e io son qua che non ho mangiato.

Tradizione popolare

martedì 14 aprile 2015

Six of the Best ,Exhibition at Illustration Cupboard, 8 April - 2 May 2015

These works from is currently being exhibited as part of a group show entitled:
Six of the Best – Exciting illustrators to watch
8 April – 2 May 2015

The Illustration CupboardGallery

22 Bury Street, St. James London

The gallery presents an all-women group of illustrators to watch.
Some have shown regularly over the years and others are ‘new faces’.
Helen Ward and Eva Montanari, already extensively published
grow from strength to strength. We are delighted to show Eva’s
recent Italian classic Pinocchio. Laura Carlin has achieved a great
deal in a relatively short time as has Emily Sutton, known well for
her fine art creations and now launching in to the world of illustrated
books. Anna Cattermole is a rising star of reportage, and we
welcome Louise Yates whose Dog Loves Books is in development to be an animated tv series. 
Laura Carlin: based in London, has achieved a great deal in a very short
space of time. She gained a Masters from the RCA, at which she won the
Quentin Blake Award and has gone to win the Uniqlo Fashion Illustration
Award, resulting in her book Ten Days in Tokyo. She has published
extensively with Walker Books, notably Ted Hughes's Iron Man as well as The
Folio Society. She is also in high demand for commercial work for leading
brands both here and in the US. Laura has been voted, by the Art Director's
Club of America as one of the 50 most influential creative's under 30 years
of age. The artwork in this show produced for A World of Your Own sees Laura
both as an illustrator and an author for the first time.

Anna Cattermole: now based in Cornwall, has made a name for herself as a
reportage illustrator working for many leading brands and corporate clients.
As a reportage artist she only works in situ, never re-working from
secondary sources such as photographs. The rapid and exciting
draughtsmanship of this production leads to a fascinating array of engaging
and fascinating work.

Eva Montanari: from Rimini in Italy, graduated from the State Institute of
Art and the European Institute of Design in Milan but had started out as a
picture book author and illustrator whilst still studying. Widely regarded
as one of the leading illustrators in Italy her work has been published and
exhibited the world over - including several contributions to the Original
Art Show of The Society of Illustrators in New York as well as at the
Ragazzi International Exhibition at the Bologna Book Fair. Her work was
shown here in London at Illustrationcupboard Gallery previously, and we now
exhibit her work for the recently published Italian classic Pinocchio.

Emily Sutton: graduated in 2008 with a BA in illustration from Edinburgh
College of Art, having also studied at York College, and for a semester at
the Rhode Island School of Design. Her work incorporates a love of pattern
and design strongly influenced by the flora and fauna of the Yorkshire
countryside, as well as a passion for folk art. Further inspiration is taken
from 20th century illustrators such as Edward Bowden and Eric Pavilions, as
well as the American lithographed children's books of a similar era. Working
within the commercial arena Emily is now venturing in to illustrated books
for the first time this year with the forthcoming publication of The
Christmas Eve Tree (Walker Books) later this year.

Louise Yates: is both a writer and illustrator of pictures books. Having
read English at Christ Church, Oxford she went on to study drawing at The
Royal Drawing School, London. This has led on to her winning the Prince of
Wales's Award for Portrait Drawing at the Royal Society of Portrait
Painter's Annual Exhibition. She has published picture books since 2009 and
has achieved notable success with Dog Loves Books both in the USA and the UK
where it won the Road Dahl Funny Prize. This and subsequent books in this
series have been nominated for The Kate Greenaway Medal and are currently
being turned in to animation for television.

Helen Ward: is already known to many as a leading illustrative talent, and
has reached high acclaim on many occasions being short-listed for the Kate
Greenaway Award for The Cockerel and The Fox, in 2003 as well as being twice
runner-up for The National Art Library Award (Victoria and Albert Museum) in
1999 and 2001. She has worked extensively with Templar Books contributing to
their best-selling Ology series over a number of years. It is only a matter
of time before Helen scoops the main prize as we love the superb technical
ability and the extraordinary imagination that she possesses.

Open Monday - Friday 9:30am - 6.00pm

Saturdays 11:00am - 5:00pm

Pinocchio, Papier Peint

Pubblico ora il lavoro su Pinocchio fatto per The Mark on The Wall
perchè alcune delle illustrazioni realizzate per i fregi e le carte da parati sono  esposte da Illustration CupBoard a Londra fino al 22 Maggio 2015. Più informazioni relative alla mostra nel prossimo post!

Pinocchio, primi schizzi

Giotto-ispirazione per le architetture

schizzo preparatorio del primo fregio

primo fregio

secondo fregio e fine della storia

alcune immagini che compongono parte della storia e dei fregi